This and That Week 106

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This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. MRSA, I have it. Major bummer. Somehow I was infected with community acquired methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus on my knee. This past week has been pretty rough, both physically and emotionally. Possibly the hardest ever. I go to the doctor today and hopefully I can stop the IV antibiotics and have no more issues with this stuff. I know I still have a long road of oral antibiotics but hopefully I will have no lingering effects of this nasty stuff.

2. In other news, thank goodness for family. Maria's dad, stepmom, and my brother were in town visiting and were a HUGE help.


3. I went to Saturday's Ute game with my brother. Don't worry, I had the doctor's permission. They won and we had fun!

4. I am excited to order the new iPhone 6. Who is getting one?



1. Josh got diagnosed with MRSA so the past week has been a little stressful. Ok, A LOT stressful. Luckily, no one else got it and Josh is on the mend. It hasn't been a fun week though. And to top things off I had a major baking fail. Oops!

2. These biscuits. WANT!

photo 1 (4)

3. My dad came to visit and has been a huge help. He also spoiled us with his famous cinnamon rolls. The recipe is on our blog and it is the BEST!

4. Should I get the new gold iPhone? I am thinking YES!

5. This dessert is dreamy!

photo 4 (1)

6. I love a sleepy baby…especially at night:)

7. This is going on our dinner menu!

photo 2 (3)

8. My ice cream obsession continues. The Marionberry Pie is TOO good!

9. I want to be invited to a pie party!

photo 1 (3)

10. I couldn't wait any longer. I busted out the pumpkin. Recipe coming soon! And if you can't wait, check out these pumpkin recipes!