This and That Week 107

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This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. I am letting Josh take the week off. Yeah, I am the boss around here and I said it was ok:) He is on the mend from his MRSA. We are lucky we caught it early! No more IV or antibiotics at all! Yahoo!


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1. Clean out the fridge and pantry pizza night is always a good idea. And you should really try our whole wheat pizza dough. It's pretty much the best!

2. If the baby cooperates, I am watching this movie over the weekend. I will have a box of tissues by my side.

3. I need this gorgeous salad in my life!

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4. I am in love with this face!

5. I had my six week check-up this week. I got the green light to exercise! YAY! I've been walking every day, but I've missed my full on workouts. I am ready to lace up my shoes and hit the pavement…until it snows, then I hibernate for the winter and exercise inside. I am a baby like that:) Let's hope fall sticks around for awhile.

6. I am normally not a donut person, but these are screaming my name!

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7. I busted the pumpkin out last week and now I can't stop! I might turn orange:)

8. These look dangerous!

9. We ordered new iPhones and I can't wait to get mine! I went all out and got the gold!

10. Quote of the week!