Toffee Crunch Cookies

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Toffee Crunch Cookies

By Maria Lichty

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I am always looking for new cookies to try, especially cookies that involve toffee. I have a special place in my heart for toffee cookies. They are the best! So when I saw Aimee's recipe on Tasty Kitchen for Toffee Crunch Cookies, I knew I had to make them. I got out all of the ingredients to make the cookies and realized there was actually no toffee in the recipe. I was confused. The cookie recipe sounded delicious, toffee or no toffee, so I proceeded and I am so glad I did.

These cookies are loaded with oats, crisp rice cereal, chocolate chips and marshmallows. After baking the cookies, I discovered why they are called Toffee Crunch Cookies. The marshmallows melt in with the oats and crisp rice cereal creating a toffee texture and flavor. Genius! These cookies are amazing! Josh came home and ate a cookie and even said, “I love the toffee in these cookies.” Ha! I fooled him:)

If you are a toffee lover or just want to try a incredibly delicious cookie-make these Toffee Crunch Cookies! For the recipe and step-by-step photos, check out my post on Tasty Kitchen.